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My Life In Books: Blog Tag

Karis Anne

Photo by Patrick Tomasso on Unsplash

My friend Brittney Brianne over at This Reader's Thoughts tagged me with a challenge to describe my life in books!

So, to my readerly readers who care enough about my life and/or my reading life to read this, here goes...

Find a book for each of your initials:

Kon-tiki by Thor Heyerdahl is a true story about six men who crossed the Pacific Ocean in the 1940s...on a Balsa wood raft!

Although this book was slow in some parts, Kon-tiki is overall a pretty intriguing and worthwhile read....and it starts with a "K" which is kind of rare in book titles!

Anne Of Green Gables by L.M. Montgomery is a classic about an orphan girl who comes to live with spinster Marilla Cuthbert and her bachelor brother Matthew.

This is such a wonderful book (so worth reading)...and also so nostalgic to me!

Also (I just want to be clear), my middle name "Anne" is in fact spelled with an "e".

The Book Thief by Marcus Zusak is one of my most recent reads...and I enjoyed it immensely. A review on this well-written historical-fiction book is coming soon!

(Disclaimer: My last name is "Berrey" and I couldn't remember any books that start with a "B", so this one had to do.)

Count your age along your bookshelf: what book is it?

The problem is...there are so many different bookshelves in my house and so many shelves on those bookshelves!

I totally did not count up to seventeen on several different shelves until I found the book that I liked best...

Cheaper By The Dozen by Frank Bunker Gilbreth Jr. and Ernestine Gilbreth Carey is a true story about a unique man who was an efficiency expert and ran his family in like fashion.

I remember my grandfather telling me that he would pay me five dollars if I finished the book...because he believed that it was one of the most fun and worthwhile things to read!

Pick a book set in your city or country:

The Moves Make The Man by Bruce Brooks is a story about a boy, basketball, and a lot of other things.

It is also set in Wilmington, North Carolina (less than a hour away from where I live)...which is pretty awesome!

Pick a book that represents a destination you would love to travel to:

Well, although I feel like everyone gives this answer, I have to say that I really, really want to travel to the world of Narnia.

But...I nominate The Voyage Of The Dawn Treader by C.S. Lewis because I don't want to "just travel" in the world of Narnia. I want to "travel widely" in the world of Narnia!

Besides, I'm obsessed with Eustace Clarence Scrubb.

Pick a book that is your favorite color:

The Mysterious Benedict Society by Trenton Lee Stewart just has such a strange and fun cover! How could I not choose it?

I know it might sound weird....but the yellow on the front cover (which is in fact one of my favorite colors!) just displays the spirit of the entire book.

Pick a book that you have fond memories of:

James And The Giant Peach by Roald Dahl was one of my favorite books when I was growing up.

I don't know for sure why I liked it so much. Perhaps it was the whimsical feel or the strangeness of it or the dialogue or the characters or something else entirely.

But I do know for sure that I read James And The Giant Peach four or five times as a kid (and that is saying something...because it is rare for me to read a book more than once)!

Pick a book that you had (or are currently having) difficulty reading:

The Fellowship Of The Ring by J.R.R. Tolkkien is so, so good...but, as a thirteen year old, I had such a hard, hard time making myself get through it.

There were such long periods of not-reading the book and then of coming-back-to-read-the-book-and-not-remembering-where-I-was that I'm pretty sure I read the chapter called The Council Of Elrond about three or four times! It was hands down the hardest-to-get-through chapter in the entire book.

Pick a book on your TBR pile that will give you a huge sense of accomplishment once finished:

The Silmarillion by J.R.R. Tolkien is a really good book...and I'm only about a third of the way through it. But, man, I just keep getting distracted with other intriguing reads and...well, let's just say I need to prioritize reading it more! Once I finish it, however, I know that I will feel so accomplished and appreciate Tolkien's works so much more than I already do!


Now for some tags (feel free to take this challenge or to not take this challenge)!

Today I'm tagging:

Also, if you have a blog and decide to take up this challenge, I would love it if you would comment below and let me know!

-- Karis Anne


Bella Raine
Bella Raine
Oct 23, 2024

Hey Karis! This post is so fun, great job!!

I would love to subscribe to your email list... where can I do that? ✨

Karis Anne
Karis Anne
Oct 26, 2024
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Hold on, never mind...It still didn't work (ugghh...oof...eeee!!!)

*groan of frustration *

The website editor doesn't seem to be wanting to add a submissions form.

So you could just send your email to my email ( or you could wait until I get this mess figured out and I'll get back to you :)

Thank you again for pointing that problem out.


Oct 21, 2024

Looks like someone had the same idea as me, and got there faster😂 Because I WAS gonna tag you for the Sunshine Blogger Award…. But this confirms it. You are officially sunshiney (;

Also, I wanted to say…. Thankyou for reminding that it’s okay to just write word-pictures because they’re fun (; Your OJ post did me in like little else 😂 Ahhhh the joy of writing words that tickle….

Oct 27, 2024
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Welllll you definitely have a way with those too, especially the backwards kind😉

I hate to break it to you, but you kinda are—okay, sunshiney isn’t the right word. But something light and kindred-spirit-y that qualifies you regardless😉

You sound like me there…. But I’ve found that the deeper things end up being much more profound and impactful when you simply let them come when it’s their time, and give the tickle posts (which are an official Thing now ;) their place too. Besides, who can resist the Word Tickle? (There must be another word for that, but I can’t think of it offhand…. But you know.) So worth it ;)


Brittney Brianne
Brittney Brianne
Oct 15, 2024

Hey, Karis. I love seeing your posts in my inbox! They're always fun and encouraging to read, so... I nominated you for the Sunshine Blogger Award! You can find out more at (I know I just tagged you for another thing, so no pressure. Just wanted you to know that I thought of you and your blog! :) )


Belle Thomas
Belle Thomas
Sep 28, 2024

Thank you for tagging me Karis! I’d love to do this! Look for the post soon!


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Autumn Grace
Autumn Grace
Sep 28, 2024
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Haha. Thanks. :)

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